
Monday 4 September 2017

Information Report Writing

For writing we have been going through the processes of writing an information report. Our topics were animals and natural disasters. The students had to choose a favourite animal and write an information report. We divided up the writing processes into three areas i.e. planning, language and structure. We also used reading texts to help understand the processes of an information report. The students then decided on a success criteria for each of these processes. These are in the link below:

We spent a lesson on each of the processes and used a variety of brainstorming apps to collect information. The challenge came when the students had to simplify the information into three main headings and three specific key word facts. From there we looked at language features, and writing in the present tense provided some challenges. After plenty of practice writing their paragraphs, they came to grips with these features. We finally looked at the structure of the report, mainly focusing on the introduction and the conclusion. This was also tricky because they had to determine between a general fact and a specific fact. With plenty of practice, we learned to identify the difference.


  1. Hi Ella
    I noticed in your conclusion that you mentioned the tsunami hitting a nuclear power plant. A tsunami did hit a nuclear plant but that was in Japan. Is that the tsunami you are thinking about, maybe?
    You have certainly included lots of detail in your report - well done.
    Mrs Idle

  2. Hi Liam
    Your report gives a clear picture of what it must have been like when Vesuvius erupted. We were reading about Pompeii in Room 5 in our Infobytes and we also did some research. We found out that there have been a number of eruptions since the first one in 79AD, including one in 1944; we even found a black and white video of the 1944 eruption. We found out from our Infobyte that Pompeii was buried after the 79 AD eruption and that other towns were affected by the 1944 one. I'm wondering if you meant to write 79AD at the top since you have written about Pompeii being buried.
    Hope that helps.
    Mrs Idle

  3. Lily, I enjoyed reading your report. It's clear and concise and you've organised your information well.
    Mrs Idle

  4. Hi Alanna
    It was interesting to read about a local disaster. Do you know if there have been any tornadoes in the same area since then? Can you imagine what it would be like to be caught up in one of those?
    Mrs Idle


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